Monday, November 10, 2014


This toy is an a game, toy, and educational tool all in one. The groundwork for using toys to help children read goes way back.
There are several toys that are dubbed "educational", however some toys are intentionally created to teach children something, and other things are incidentally educational, such as something that children move around to help them develop fine motor skills.

Leapfrog--the company that created my toy, was born in 1994. The founder, Mike Wood, was trying to find a way to help his own child read and he want his child to be excited about reading.
The first leap frog was the leap pad released in 1999. LeapFrog releases the Leapster: 
The first learning game hand-held. My toy was born out of need for more simple, take-everywhere-you-go educational object. Thus--the twist and shout Phonics was born!


Wiimote Disassembly - Patrick 'Bizkit' Annett

The Wii mote has been a huge change in gaming since the additions of more than two buttons, and Nintendo has always been on the forefront of gaming technology.  With the introduction of the home gaming system to the current Wii U gaming system Nintendo has tried many different types of controllers. From the square NES controller to the Tablet used on the Wii U, They like to try different types of technology with their controllers. They have made controllers from a tri-winged system to the GameCube controller, but one of the most unique was the Wii mote. 

           This controller was designed off of the original design of a flash gun to look at screen locations and to make one that was able to use an RF system Nintendo decided to look into how computer mice work. This allowed them to gain a huge knowledge base on how to design the RF system used to make it not have a cord attached to the console, and be able to track location on the screen. Although this was a really key part of the device it’s not the only unique part of this controller.

            The next big addition to this controller was an accelerometer, which allowed tracking to do so much more. This also allowed the controller to track its specific location and be used in the games they were designing.  By doing so they also took gaming to a new level and help break into a new style of gaming that helped accelerate the casual games that come on mobile devices. The concept for using this device also came from the tracking methods used in computer mice to find locations.
   Overall the device is very unique for a controller and has allowed gaming to expand in a much different way, this has also allowed technology to take advantage of this and make unique ideas based on the expanded area this controller makes. This also did make it a bit more dangerous but has been used in really unique ways.